Mounting Evidence that GMOs Can Cause Infertility and Birth Defects
You are a science experiment, and may not even know it. Since the 90s, we have been fed GMOs that have never been tested. Tests have been done on animals, with disturbing results, but of course are given no credibility. Over 60 countries have outright banned GMO crops or have implemented labeling laws for them, yet the US is too caught up in their money making to listen to the public. We want to know what is in our food. With studies showing that infertility and birth defects are related to GMO intake, it is shocking that there is not more of an outcry about the matter. Many people are not aware of it at all. The media won’t cover it, because most of their advertising money comes from companies that do not want GMOs labeled, and the CEOs of the companies most likely have something to gain from GMOs. Only one generation so far has been subjected to a full life of GMO intake. And it is obvious how bad our health is becoming. Nationwide we have issues with all things heart related, cholesterol, diabetes, allergies, and one big one is infertility. There are more and more cases of women needing help to have a baby, whether it is the female that has the problem, or the male, everyone is being affected and it is right in front of our eyes. Check out the article to see how much GMOs are involved with this problem.